GEF National Dialogue for Botswana
National Dialogues provide a means for a broad range of stakeholders within a country (government ministries and agencies, non-governmental/civil society organizations, communities, academic and research institutions and the private sector, as well as partners and donors) to come together learn, discuss and agree, or take steps toward agreement, on environmental issues across the board. This includes information and validation of national objectives, policies, strategies and the means to achieve them; how to mainstream environment in national decision-making; national positions in Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and coordination; incorporating the capital value of environment to national accounting and other issues of interest. GEF issues are normally a component of National Dialogues insofar as the GEF Partnership is one of the sources of financing and support available to the country.
We highly encourage participants attending the national dialogue (or just interested in the GEF!) to take the free eCourse : Introduction to the GEF in advance of the event as it will benefit your participation!
This is available through the GEF Academy and provides an overview of the GEF.
By completing the course, you will gain knowledge of the GEF’s mission, history and institutional structure. You will understand the organizing principles and areas of work in the 7th GEF replenishment period (GEF-7). You will also learn about key cross cutting issues; the basics of GEF funding and its operational policies, as well as the results framework for GEF-7.
The E-course has 5 topical sections, each with short quizzes on what you have learned, and requires approximately 90 minutes to complete in one sitting; but you can also take it at your own pace. You will receive a certificate upon completion.