COP13 Official website | COP13 Closing Press Release | GEF Report to COP 13 | GEF Side Events @COP 13
The thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 13), the sixteenth session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC16), and the thirteenth session of the Committee on Science and Technology (CST13) were held at Ordos International Convention and Exhibition Center, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China from 6-16 September 2017. Its high-level segment was scheduled on 11 and 12 September 2017. Prior to that, the meetings of the Regional Implementation Annexes in the preparation for COP13/CRIC16/CST13 were scheduled on 4 and 5 September 2017.
At COP13, the Parties decided on the Strategic Framework that will guide action under the Convention from 2018-2030.
To know what was discussed follow IISD Coverage of UNCCD COP 13.
GEF work on Land degradation
- Land Degradation
- Sustainable Land Management
- Land Degradation Neutrality
- GEF Reports to UNCCD COP
GEF side events at COP 13 >> download flyer
GEF Day @ Rio Pavilion: Partnership in Action, 9 September 2017 (Saturday) - Starting at 10:00, Rio Conventions Pavilion
The “GEF day” at the Rio Pavilion is an opportunity to engage with the GEF partnership to discuss results and share experiences at the global, national and local levels in an informal setting. Topics to be explored over the course of 5 sessions include:
- What are country experiences in implementing GEF initiatives?
Country Ownership and Empowerment in Sustainable Land Management (country case studies), 10:00 - 11.30 | Presentation - How to strengthen country ownership and empower stakeholders?
African Countries’ Experience and Emerging Priorities under the TerrAfrica Partnership to Promote Interventions at Scale against Land Degradation, 11:40 - 13:10 (Light lunch provided) - What are opportunities and challenges in financing synergy and integration?
Financing Synergy: Land and Climate Actions, 13:20 - 14:50 - What are the latest innovations in science and technology related to project design, monitoring and evaluation?
Innovation, Science & Technology, 15:00 - 16:30 | IEO Presentation | CI Presentation | Toolbox Demo | LandPKS Presentation - What is the role of civil society and which actions are prioritized at the local level?
Dialogue between the CSO and the GEF, 16:40 - 18:10 | Presentation
The day will end with a reception starting at 18:20
GEF support to UNCCD: Past, Present, to the Future, 13 September 2017 (Wednesday) - 13:00 - 15:00, MET 21
Past and ongoing initiatives will be highlighted with examples from Ethiopia, and Turkey, drawing lessons in view of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) and future GEF-7 support. The event will allow the panel and audience to engage in a discussion of the multiple political, technical, and financing dimensions of striving to achieve LDN, discuss types of incentives necessary, and opportunities for scaling up of SLM at national and regional level by setting out overarching principles to build a Land Degradation Neutral World in a context of climate change and drought, biodiversity loss, and increasing pressures from growing populations. Presentation