
All recipient countries can access GEF resources, up to $30,000, to undertake, on a voluntary basis, GEF National Portfolio Formulation Exercises. These will serve as a priority setting tool for countries and as a guide for GEF Agencies as they assist recipient countries. Undertaking a NPFE is not a requirement or pre-requisite for requesting GEF grants.

To request support for this exercise, countries have to submit a proposal, using the templates below that includes a detailed description of the activities that have to be carried out to produce the National Portfolio Formulation Document, as well as their expected cost. As the NPFE is to be carried out under the Direct Access approach, countries should select a national entity that has the experience and competence to develop such an exercise. The financial management questionnaire applies to this institution.

The GEF Operational Focal Point is responsible for submitting the application template duly filled. This will be considered as an endorsement for this activity.

After approval, a grant agreement will be signed by the country and the GEF CEO. A copy of this agreement has to be sent back to the GEF for the disbursement of the funds.

In this exercise, countries are encouraged to follow principles of transparency and inclusiveness of national stakeholders, including civil society.

Once NPFE is complete, the country will submit a report to the GEF Secretariat summarizing:

  1. The step followed during the preparatory process of the national portfolio
  2. The list (and their description) of the priority projects and/or programmatic approaches that have been identified and that are eligible under the GEF-5 focal area strategies and their estimated costs.
  3. An outline of how implementation of these projects will contribute to the fulfillment of obligations to the Conventions (CDB, UNCCD, UNFCCC, Stockholm).

The report will be shared with the Convention Secretariats for their information.

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