The future of all life on Earth depends on how we manage the interdependencies between environment and development. Photo: Olga Kashubin/Shutterstock.

Environmental challenges need integrated solutions

At last month’s landmark Paris Conference, world leaders committed to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. The historic agreement is a major boost for efforts to spur investment towards a low carbon, resilient and sustainable future.  But, delivering on the promise…
Young girl carrying brother on her back

Improving aid effectiveness and implementing GEF-5 reforms

Below I am attaching an abridged version of President Obama’s speech at the United Nations yesterday, during the occasion of the MDGs Summit. I also append a couple of paragraphs from a World Bank blog posting submitted by Axel van Trotsenburg (Vice President for Concessional Finance and Global…

Can conservation cut poverty?

A commentary in Nature last week redirects the spotlight to a central question for the environment and development agendas: can efforts to conserve biodiversity also benefit the poor? There is growing social and ecological evidence suggesting that a large number of opportunities exist globally for…

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