This publication highlights the ways in which Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are leading the charge on critical environmental issues. You will find case studies of successful Global Environment Facility-supported projects that are fostering sustainable development, protecting biodiversity and diverse landscapes, as well as promoting climate resilience in SIDS.
More specifically the publication shows how GEF investments in SIDS have evolved. Firstly, by progressively building on and expanding interventions that have improved their capacity to address their environmental challenges. Secondly, by moving from a primary focus of addressing distinct environment problems and challenges to tackling in a more integrated manner the drivers of environmental degradation.
The publication also highlights examples of innovation whether through finance, policy, or new institutional arrangements. Finally, as we move into the post SAMOA Pathway era, after three decades of support and action, the publication provides a forward-looking perspective on the need to continue supporting the SIDS to address their global environmental challenges.
Explore SIDS projects using the interactive GEF Geospatial Platform.
Watch the accompanying video.