Displaying 1 - 30 of 6317
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
The Freshwater Challenge: Accelerating Restoration and Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems 11833 Global International Waters Medium-size Project World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter 4,400,000 10,385,549 Concept Approved
Promoting the Safe and Effective Use of Treated Wastewater and Sludge to Improve Soil Quality, Address Land Degradation, and Mitigate Climate Change 11826 Türkiye Climate Change, Land Degradation Medium-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 1,045,892 4,800,000 Concept Approved
Development of a National Action Plan for the Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Sector in the Philippines 11825 Philippines Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 500,000 Project Approved
Regional Coordination Resilience Enhancement through Adaptation in the Pacific (REAP) 11823 Fiji, Micronesia, Nauru, Regional Climate Change Medium-size Project Asian Development Bank 551,000 1,500,000 Concept Approved
Enabling Activities to Support the ratification and early implementation of the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (EA-BBNJ) 11820 Chile, Cabo Verde, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Mexico, Tanzania, Philippines, Uruguay, Belize, Global International Waters Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 1,575,000 Project Approved
Enhancing climate change adaptation of local communities in the Plateaux region of Togo through climate-resilient integrated landscape management 11819 Togo Climate Change Medium-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 3,893,997 14,469,985 Concept Approved
Conservation of Endangered cold water fish species for sustainable livelihoods of fishing communities in Middle Trishuli River Basin, Central Nepal 11818 Nepal Biodiversity GBFF Food and Agriculture Organization Concept Approved
Capacity Building for the Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the Nagoya Protocol, the Cartagena Protocol, and the Promotion of Sustainable Bio-Businesses in Honduras 11811 Honduras Biodiversity GBFF Development Bank of Latin America Concept Approved
'Strengthening the Ecological and Economic Functions of Critical Biodiversity Habitats of the N’ZI Voluntary Nature Reserve 11810 Cote d'Ivoire Biodiversity GBFF Development Bank of Southern Africa Concept Approved
EcoHarmony RD: Advancing OECMs for Biodiversity Integration in Dominican Landscapes 11804 Dominican Republic Biodiversity GBFF United Nations Development Programme Concept Approved
Sustainable Financing and Inclusive Management to Perpetuate Madagascar’s Locally Managed Marine Areas 11802 Madagascar Biodiversity GBFF World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter Concept Approved
Enhancing Participatory Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Ethiopia 11800 Ethiopia Biodiversity GBFF United Nations Development Programme Concept Approved
Sustainable Management of Biodiversity and Natural Resources in the Bolivian Altiplano associated to the production of South American camelids 11798 Bolivia Biodiversity GBFF International Fund for Agricultural Development Concept Approved
Biomanglar: Empowering Collective Territories through Conservation, Sustainable Use, and Restoration Initiatives of Mangroves to Contribute to Colombia’s National Biodiversity Strategy 11797 Colombia Biodiversity GBFF Development Bank of Latin America Concept Approved
Empowering Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities for Improved Biodiversity Stewardship in the Solomon Islands 11795 Solomon Islands Biodiversity GBFF Food and Agriculture Organization Concept Approved
Strengthening Biodiversity in Agriculture, Restoring Ecosystem Resilience, and Empowering IPLCs in Lao PDR 11793 Lao PDR Biodiversity GBFF Food and Agriculture Organization Concept Approved
Conservation and sustainable use of threatened coastal and inland fish species for sustainable livelihood of fishing and farming communities 11792 Cuba Biodiversity GBFF Food and Agriculture Organization Concept Approved
Empowering Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) for sustainable management and conservation of 700,000 hectares of critical ecosystems in three Highland provinces in Papua New Guinea 11787 Papua New Guinea Biodiversity GBFF Food and Agriculture Organization Concept Approved
Conservation of Biodiversity, its Sustainable Use, Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits in India (CONSERVE) 11784 India Biodiversity GBFF United Nations Development Programme, The World Bank Concept Approved
Blue Corridor: connectivity for the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of marine ecosystems of global importance in the Southern Caribbean of Costa Rica. 11780 Costa Rica Biodiversity GBFF International Union for Conservation of Nature Concept Approved
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into the Botswana's Financial Sector (MBBF) 11778 Botswana Biodiversity GBFF United Nations Development Programme Concept Approved
Transforming the Global Biodiversity Framework into Tangible Action in Madagascar - BioTAct (Biodiversity Tangible Action) 11775 Madagascar Biodiversity GBFF International Union for Conservation of Nature Concept Approved
Sustainable Restoration and Conservation of Malagarasi – Moyowosi Wetland Ecosystem through an Integrated Approach 11769 Tanzania Biodiversity GBFF United Nations Development Programme Concept Approved
Restoration of the remaining ecosystems in selected urban areas within threatened ecoregion of Central Iraq to conserve biodiversity and strengthen human-nature connectivity 11766 Iraq Biodiversity GBFF United Nations Development Programme Concept Approved
GEF-8 Inclusive Conservation Initiative 11761 Global Biodiversity Full-size Project World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter 22,535,780 83,799,902 Concept Approved
Accelerating sustainable energy transition for decarbonization of micro, small and medium manufacturing enterprises in India 11758 India Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 8,982,420 71,190,000 Concept Approved
SGP CSO Challenge Program 11757 Global Full-size Project International Union for Conservation of Nature 9,075,229 4,500,000 Concept Approved
Phasing Out of PCB Use and its Elimination in Cameroon 11756 Cameroon Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 10,000,000 30,000,000 Concept Approved
Global PCB Elimination Coordination Project 11755 Global Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project The World Bank 4,000,000 16,000,000 Concept Approved
PCB Use Elimination Project for Eswatini 11754 Eswatini Chemicals and Waste Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 825,000 3,000,000 Concept Approved