The proposed project concept involves 16 countries: Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, DR of the Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Togo. These countries, according to NOAA's definition, are the littoral states of the Guinea Current LME (GCLME). This proposal represents a follow up action with respect to the Pilot Phase Gulf of Guinea LME project (six countries), which is presently nearing completion. The intent of the proposed new and separate project is to extend the present Gulf of Guinea project from six to sixteen countries, including then the entire area known as the "Guinea Current LME". The new project would assist these 16 countries "in making changes in the ways that human activities are conducted in the different sectors to ensure that the GCLME and its multi-country drainage basins can sustainably support the socio-economic development of the region. A project goal is to build the capacity of Guinea Current countries to work jointly and in concert with other nations, regions and GEF projects in West Africa to define and address transboundary priority environmental issues within the framework of their existing responsibilities under the Abidjan Convention and its Regional Seas program." The primary objectives of the PDF-B work are to hold a "Regional, Abidjan Convention based, Stocktaking Meeting and prepare a project brief for the protection, management, and sustainable development of the resources of the GCLME." Sept. 2003 - Full project The proposal has a primary focus on the priority problems and issues identified by the 16 GCLME countries that have led to unsustainable fisheries and use of other marine resources, as well as the degradation of marine and coastal ecosystems by human activities. The long-term development goals of the project are: 1) recover and sustain depleted fisheries; 2) restore degraded habitats; and 3) reduce land and ship-based pollution by establishing a regional management framework for sustainable use of living and non-living resources in the GCLME. Priority action areas include reversing coastal area degradation and living resources depletion, relying heavily on regional capacity building. The project focuses on nine demonstration projects (3 regional and 6 national), designed to be replicable and intended to demonstrate how concrete actions can lead to demonstrable stress reduction improvements in ecosystem status. Sustainability will derive from this improved capacity, strengthening of national and regional institutions, improvements in policy/legislative frameworks resource mobilization and economic instruments, and the demonstration of technologies and approaches that will lead to improved ecosystem status. The priority transboundary and biodiversity problems of resource depletion, loss of biodiversity (including habitat loss and coastal erosion), and land- and sea-based pollution are all addressed through the interventions proposed here. The project has five main components with associated objectives identified during the project preparation process: i) Finalize SAP and develop sustainable financing mechanism for its implementation; ii) Recovery and sustainability of depleted fisheries and living marine resources including mariculture; iii) Planning for biodiversity conservation, restoration of degraded habitats and developing strategies for reducing coastal erosion; iv) Reduce land and sea-based pollution and improve water quality; and v) Regional coordination and institutional sustainability. The activities to be undertaken will complement other projects in the region to provide a strong foundation for the long-term sustainable environmental management of the GCLME. A Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and preliminary Strategic Action Programme (SAP) have been prepared, serving as the basis for preparation of this project proposal. The full Global Environment Facility (GEF) project will update the TDA as part of a continuing process, and will endorse a regionally agreed SAP, following clarification of some aspects of the environmental status of the region, and initiate SAP implementation.
Project Details
GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
GEF Period
GEF - 3
Project Type
Full-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund
Project Documents
USDCo-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees
Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed