LDCF/SCCF Trust Fund Program/Project Proposals submitted for Council Approval (9)

GEF ID Project Title Documents Country GEF Agency Focal Areas
10312 Community-based Climate-responsive Livelihoods and Forestry (CCLF) Afghanistan UNDP Climate Change Adaptation
10099 Landscape Restoration for Increased Resilience in Urban and Peri-urban Areas of Bujumbura Burundi UNDP Climate Change Adaptation


Building Resilience in the Wake of Climate Disasters in Southern Haiti Haiti UNEP Climate Change Adaptation
10727 Managing Watersheds for Enhanced Resilience of Communities to Climate Change in Nepal (MaWRiN) Nepal WWF-US Climate Change Adaptation
10691 Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) for Resilient Natural Resources and Agro-pastoral Communities in the Ferlo Biosphere Reserve and Plateau of Thies Senegal UNDP, IUCN Climate Change Adaptation
10680 Promotion of Climate Adaptation Technology and Business Model Innovations and Entrepreneurship in Sierra Leone Sierra Leone UNIDO Climate Change Adaptation
10688 Restoring and Enhancing the Value of Degraded Lands and Forest Ecosystems for Enhanced Climate Resilience in Benin (PIRVaTEFoD-Benin)* Benin UNDP Climate Change Adaptation
10166 Strengthening Human and Natural Systems Resilience to Climate Change through Mangrove Ecosystems Conservation and Sustainable Use in Southern Benin* Benin FAO Climate Change Adaptation
10687 Climate security and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Central Regions of Mali for Peacebuilding* Mali UNDP Climate Change Adaptation

*This is a multi-trust fund project. Only the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) component is presented in this Work Program. The GEF Trust Fund components are presented separately in the GEF Trust Fund Work Program.