Serbia flag


Serbia is a member of a constituency comprised of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine

Active Project Portfolio

Trust Fund Project Type Number of Projects Total Financing Total Co-Financing Ratio
GET National 7 $12,701,802 9.76
GET Regional/Global 13 $149,545,232 4.55
LDCF National/Regional $0 0.00
SCCF National/Regional $0 0.00
Financing for national and regional projects is inclusive of financing covering all participating countries.

STAR GEF-8 Allocation and Utilization (All amounts in US$)

Focal Area Allocated Utilized Available Sources of funds * utilized Sources of funds available
Biodiversity $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $0 $3,000,000 $0
Climate Change $1,369,904 $1,369,903 $1 $1,369,903 $1
Land Degradation $1,569,729 $1,569,729 $0 $1,569,729 $0
Total $5,939,633 $5,939,632 $1 $5,939,632 $1
* In light of the GEF-8 STAR full flexibility across three STAR focal areas, sources of funds are to indicate from which STAR focal area (Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation) funds are withdrawn to finance projects. This information is endorsed by the country’s Operational Focal Point.

STAR GEF-7 Allocation and Utilization (All amounts in US$)

Focal Area Indicative allocation Allocation utilized Allocations remaining to be programmed
Biodiversity $2,000,000 $0 $2,000,000
Climate Change $1,465,543 $2,594,055 ($1,128,512)
Land Degradation $1,000,000 $1,871,487 ($871,487)
Total $4,465,543 $4,465,542 $1

STAR GEF-6 Allocation and Utilization (All amounts in US$)

Focal Area Indicative allocation Allocation utilized Allocations remaining to be programmed
Climate Change $3,458,626 $3,940,000 $-481,374
Biodiversity $1,500,000 $750,000 $750,000
Land Degradation $770,304 $0 $770,304
Total $5,728,930 $4,690,000 $1,038,930

STAR GEF-5 Allocation and Utilization (All amounts in US$)

Focal Area Indicative allocation Allocation utilized PIFs cleared by CEO awaiting approval Allocations remaining to be programmed
Biodiversity 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000
Climate Change 4,460,000 5,845,500 0 -1,385,500
Land Degradation 700,000 754,500 0 -54,500
Total 6,660,000 6,600,000 0 60,000

RAF GEF-4 Allocation and Utilization Summary(All amounts in US$)

Focal Area GEF-4 Indicative Allocation* Allocation Utilized PIFs cleared by CEO awaiting approval Allocations remaining to be programmed
Biodiversity $3,800,000 $1,100,000 $0 $2,700,000
Climate Change $3,500,000 $1,100,000 $0 $2,400,000
Total $7,300,000 $2,200,000 $0 $5,100,000

RAF GEF-4 Projects in Biodiversity (All amounts in US$)

GEF_ID Focal Area GEF Agency Project Type Approval Date GEF Project Grant GEF Agency Fee Total Transaction
3946 Biodiversity UNDP MSP 2009-04-22 $950,000 $95,000 $1,045,000
3946 Biodiversity UNDP PPG 2009-04-22 $50,000 $5,000 $55,000
Total $1,000,000 $100,000 $1,100,000

RAF GEF-4 Projects in Climate Change (All amounts in US$)

GEF_ID Focal Area GEF Agency Project Type Approval Date GEF Project Grant GEF Agency Fee Total Transaction
3759 Climate Change UNDP MSP 2009-03-31 $950,000 $95,000 $1,045,000
3759 Climate Change UNDP PPG 2009-03-31 $50,000 $5,000 $55,000
Total $1,000,000 $100,000 $1,100,000


Political Focal Point
Ms. Irena Vujović
Political Focal Point since 2023-01-23
Ministry of Environmental Protection
2, Mihajla Pupina Blvd.
Belgrade - 11070
Tel: +381 11 3110271
Email: eko.kabinet(a t )
Operational Focal Point
Ms. Sandra Dokić
Operational Focal Point since 2020-12-28
State Secretary
Ministry of Environmental Protection
2, Mihajla Pupina Blvd.
Belgrade - 11070
Tel: +371 11 3110 895