Raising Forest Voices: SGP Community-based REDD+ Initiative

This publication from the GEF Small Grants Programme summarizes the experiences and lessons learned from six participating community-based REDD+ (CBR+) countries during the pilot phase (Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Panama, Paraguay, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia). A case study from each country represents a notable strategy for implementing REDD+ at the local level. These case studies, featuring action from the ground up, have demonstrated the importance of investing in Indigenous Peoples, young people, women, and other marginalized groups affected by climate change.

Good Practice Brief: Strengthening Regional Cooperation to Mainstream Migratory Soaring Birds Safeguards

This GEF-financed project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has achieved successful and transformational results in mainstreaming migratory soaring bird (MSB) safeguards into the five key sectors directly affecting MSBs along the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway: hunting, energy, tourism, agriculture, and waste management. The project has generated numerous global environmental benefits through the establishment of governmental and private sector policies and practices across the five sectors.