
GEF Commodities Program (Good Growth Partnership)

The Good Growth Partnership helps to address challenges in the production of sustainable agriculture by focusing on two key commodities that are significantly driving deforestation and related trends: palm oil and beef in Indonesia, Liberia, Brazil, and Paraguay.

The GEF Food Security Program


Sustainable Cities Program

The Sustainable Cities Program is an ambitious attempt to promote urban sustainability, recognizing the unique window of opportunity that comes with rapid urbanization. As mayors in developing countries seek to transform cities as inclusive and resilient hubs of growth, there is a growing demand…

Taking deforestation out of the soy supply chain in Brazil (Fact Sheet)

To reduce environmental threats in the Cerrado, and to promote sustainable soy production, this Good Growth Partnership project will seek to encourage soy cultivation in already converted or degraded lands. The project also seeks to support the restoration and creation of conservation areas…

Rural Electrification: GEF Experience in Renewables-based Microgrids

This paper discusses how the existing 1.2 billion poor people worldwide without access to electricity can be environment-friendly electrified with the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) on energy and the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. The objective of this paper…
one planet cover

UN Environment Our Planet Magazine (September 2017) - The Global Environment Facility issue

"The Global Environment Facility: Delivering solutions for a sustainable future," is the September 2017 issue of UN Environment's "Our Planet" magazine. The magazine was launched at the GEF-7 2nd replenishment meeting that took place in October 2017, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.…

Adaptive Management and Learning (Fact Sheet)

The Adaptive Management and Learning Project is designed to increase cooperation between agencies, countries, sectors and supply chains within the scope of the Good Growth Partnership. The project will be responsible for the partnership’s initiatives that target responsible demand, enable…

Generating responsible demand for reduced deforestation commodities (Fact Sheet)

This Good Growth Partnership project aims to reduce the barriers to achieving sustainable commodity  demand by working with key demand actors: companies, investors, policy makers and consumers. This will be achieved through advancing awareness, capacity and collective action between…

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