Access to Information |
Agency Fee |
CEO/Chairperson & IEO Director Appointment, Reappointment & Performance Objective Review |
Co-financing |
Communication and Visibility |
Environmental and Social Safeguard Standards |
Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Council Members, Alternates and Advisers |
Fiduciary Standards |
GEF-8 Results Measurement Framework |
Gender Equality |
Guidance Note on Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations |
Incremental Costs |
Indigenous Peoples |
Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured GEF |
Monitoring Agency Compliance with GEF Policies |
Non-Grant Instruments |
Project and Program Cycle |
Project Cancellation |
Project Monitoring |
Risk Appetite Framework |
Rules of Procedure for the GEF Assembly |
Rules of Procedure for the GEF Council |
Stakeholder Engagement |
System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) |