Displaying 1 - 30 of 37
Title | ID | Countries | Focal Areas | Type | Agencies | GEF Grant | Cofinancing | Status |
Towards a more circular Uruguay (Uruguay + Circular) | 11434 | Uruguay | Chemicals and Waste | Full-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 2,639,726 | 33,655,419 | Concept Approved |
First and Second Biennial Transparency Reports (1BTR+ 2BTR) of Uruguay to the UNFCCC, according to the Paris Agreement´s Enhanced Transparency Framework | 11320 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Enabling Activity | United Nations Development Programme | 1,200,000 | Project Approved | |
CBIT 2 - Building institutional and technical capacities to meet the commitments under the Paris Agreement´s Enhanced Transparency Framework | 11306 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 1,900,000 | 1,100,000 | Project Approved |
Land Degradation Neutrality for Sustainable Use and Conservation of Uruguay Rangelands | 11061 | Uruguay | Land Degradation | Medium-size Project | Food and Agriculture Organization | 1,776,484 | 11,764,885 | Project Approved |
Fourth Biennial Update Report and Sixth National Communication under the UNFCCC | 10513 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Enabling Activity | United Nations Development Programme | 852,000 | 234,855 | Project Approved |
Promoting the transition to a circular economy in Uruguay through cleantech innovations | 10453 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Medium-size Project | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | 1,303,162 | 9,827,100 | Project Approved |
Consolidating biodiversity and land conservation policies and actions as pillars of sustainable development | 10081 | Uruguay | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Full-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 2,639,269 | 15,000,000 | Project Approved |
Building Institutional and Technical Capacities to Enhance Transparency in the Framework of the Paris Agreement | 9739 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 1,100,000 | 760,000 | Project Approved |
Institutional Strengthening for the Preparation of the Fifth National Communication to the UNFCCC | 9639 | Regional, Uruguay | Climate Change | Enabling Activity | United Nations Development Programme | 500,000 | 150,000 | Completed |
Towards a Sustainable and Efficient Urban Mobility System in Uruguay | 9480 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 1,721,233 | 20,038,100 | Project Approved |
Uruguay’s Second Biennial Update Report (BUR2) | 9398 | Regional, Uruguay | Climate Change | Enabling Activity | United Nations Development Programme | 352,000 | 91,000 | Completed |
Climate-smart Livestock Production and Land Restoration in the Uruguayan Rangelands | 9153 | Uruguay | Climate Change, Land Degradation | Full-size Project | Food and Agriculture Organization | 2,091,781 | 14,241,567 | Completed |
Improved Convention Coordination for Sustainable Growth in Uruguay (ECCOSUR) | 5470 | Uruguay | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 1,862,400 | 1,863,030 | Project Approved | |
Uruguay's First Biennial Update Report (FBUR) | 5207 | Regional, Uruguay | Climate Change | Enabling Activity | United Nations Development Programme | 320,000 | 60,000 | Completed |
Strengthening Capacities for the Sound Management of Pesticides Including POPs | 5144 | Uruguay | Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste | Medium-size Project | Food and Agriculture Organization | 1,874,028 | 7,258,000 | Project Approved |
Alignment of National Action Programs with the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy and Reporting Process | 5010 | Regional, Uruguay | Land Degradation | Enabling Activity | Food and Agriculture Organization | 47,791 | 61,764 | Completed |
Environmental Sound Life-Cycle Management of Mercury Containing Products and their Wastes | 4998 | Uruguay | Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 1,237,800 | 2,947,760 | Completed |
Towards a Green Economy in Uruguay: Stimulating Sustainable Production Practices and Low-emission Technologies in Prioritized Sectors | 4890 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Full-size Project | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | 3,392,727 | 32,410,000 | Completed |
Updating the National Biodiversity Strategy and Developing the Action Plan to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan | 4871 | Regional, Uruguay | Biodiversity | Enabling Activity | United Nations Development Programme | 220,800 | 224,800 | Completed |
Strengthening the Effectiveness of the National Protected Area System by Including a Landscape Approach to Management | 4841 | Uruguay | Biodiversity | Full-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 1,621,000 | 8,873,161 | Completed |
Piloting of an Ecosystem-based Approach to Uruguayan Coastal Fisheries | 3410 | Uruguay | Biodiversity | Medium-size Project | Food and Agriculture Organization | 950,000 | 2,782,200 | Completed |
PROBIO - Electricity Production from Biomass in Uruguay | 3144 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 950,000 | 7,550,000 | Completed |
Implementing Pilot Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Coastal Areas of Uruguay | 3134 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 975,000 | 2,922,900 | Completed |
Development of the National Capacities for the Environmental Sound Management of PCBs in Uruguay | 3120 | Uruguay | Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 954,550 | 1,098,850 | Completed |
Uruguay Wind Energy Programme (UWEP) | 2826 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Medium-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 950,000 | 6,010,000 | Completed |
Catalyzing the Implementation of Uruguay's National Protected Area System | 2545 | Uruguay | Biodiversity | Full-size Project | United Nations Development Programme | 2,500,000 | 4,903,000 | Completed |
National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Global Environment Management | 1867 | Uruguay | Enabling Activity | United Nations Development Programme | 195,000 | 25,000 | Completed | |
Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): National Implementation Plan for Uruguay | 1768 | Uruguay | Chemicals and Waste | Enabling Activity | United Nations Environment Programme | 499,000 | 64,000 | Completed |
Integrated Natural Resources and Biodiversity Management | 1538 | Uruguay | Biodiversity | Full-size Project | The World Bank | 7,000,000 | 88,850,000 | Completed |
Energy Efficiency Project | 1179 | Uruguay | Climate Change | Full-size Project | The World Bank | 6,875,000 | 14,285,000 | Completed |