The GEF Biodiversity Add-On Project has 3 main objectives:
(i) Objective 1:
To establish and operationalise a CHM to improve information sharing and management and to enhance implementation of Article 18 on scientific and technical cooperation within and between countries, for effective implementation of the CBD. The CHM will help Uganda to report on progress towards the CBD 2010 target through better identification, compilation and effective use of information on biodiversity.
(ii) Objective 2:
To carry out an Assessment on capacity for several biodiversity components including:
a) Role of Ingenious Knowledge and Practices in the Conservation of Biodiversity and Develop Guidelines for Sustainable Use of Biodiversity to support and strengthen management of biodiversity resources as well as monitoring programmes by the various government institutions.
b) Initial assessment and monitoring programs, including taxonomy
iii. Objective 3:Carry out any additional assessment of capacity development needs required for effective implementation of the NBSAP. In particular, emerging issues on Biodiversity conservation in the areas of oil and gas exploration are important in Uganda and needs concerned with these areas will be elaborated on.
(i) Objective 1:
To establish and operationalise a CHM to improve information sharing and management and to enhance implementation of Article 18 on scientific and technical cooperation within and between countries, for effective implementation of the CBD. The CHM will help Uganda to report on progress towards the CBD 2010 target through better identification, compilation and effective use of information on biodiversity.
(ii) Objective 2:
To carry out an Assessment on capacity for several biodiversity components including:
a) Role of Ingenious Knowledge and Practices in the Conservation of Biodiversity and Develop Guidelines for Sustainable Use of Biodiversity to support and strengthen management of biodiversity resources as well as monitoring programmes by the various government institutions.
b) Initial assessment and monitoring programs, including taxonomy
iii. Objective 3:Carry out any additional assessment of capacity development needs required for effective implementation of the NBSAP. In particular, emerging issues on Biodiversity conservation in the areas of oil and gas exploration are important in Uganda and needs concerned with these areas will be elaborated on.
Project Details
GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Environment Programme
Approval FY
Project Approved
Executing Agencies
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)
GEF Period
GEF - 4
Project Type
Enabling Activity
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund
Project Documents
USDCo-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees
Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation