GEF Trust Fund/Multi Trust Fund Program/Project Proposals submitted for Council Approval (9)

GEF ID Country Agencies Title Focal Areas
5147 Georgia International Fund for Agricultural Development Enhancing Resilience of Agricultural Sector in Georgia (ERASIG) Climate Change
5125 Lebanon Food and Agriculture Organization Smart Adaptation of Forest Landscapes in Mountain Areas (SALMA) Climate Change
5115 Kyrgyz Republic European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Promoting Climate Resiliency of Water Supplies in Kyrgyzstan Climate Change
5113 Regional Food and Agriculture Organization Enhancing Climate Change Resilience in the Benguela Current Fisheries System Climate Change
5105 Tunisia United Nations Development Programme Addressing Climate Change Vulnerabilities and Risks in Vulnerable Coastal Areas of Tunisia Climate Change
5021 Djibouti United Nations Environment Programme Implementing Adaptation Technologies in Fragile Ecosystems of Djibouti's Central Plains Climate Change
5015 Malawi United Nations Development Programme Implementing Urgent Adaptation Priorities Through Strengthened Decentralized and National Development Plans. Climate Change
4990 Burundi United Nations Development Programme Community Disaster Risk Management in Burundi Climate Change
4958 Sudan United Nations Development Programme Climate Risk Finance for Sustainable and Climate Resilient Rainfed Farming and Pastoral Systems Climate Change