Dr. Naoko Ishii, GEF CEO and Chairperson and Mr. Xie Zhenhua, Vice Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of China held an important meeting in Guiyang city of China on July 20, 2013. The two parties reached consensus to promote sustainable urban development (or eco-cities development) and south-south cooperation in both China and worldwide in the forthcoming years.
Responding to the invitation issued by NDRC, Dr. Naoko Ishii and her delegation attended the Guiyang Eco-civilization Forum that was organized and sponsored by the Chinese national government. The purposes of the GEF mission were to (1) further strengthen the partnership between the GEF and the Chinese government; and (2) discuss and seek support from the Chinese government on GEF-6 replenishment strategies.
The GEF CEO thanked the Chinese government for their support to the GEF. Mr. Xie updated the CEO about the Chinese eco-city development program. The CEO appreciated the effort of the Chinese government in the eco-city program. Praising the long-term partnership between the GEF and the NDRC, Mr. Xie confirmed that the NDRC will continue to work in partner with GEF.
The GEF delegation and the NDRC delegation to the Guiyang Forum