Tree standing out among an urban wetland eco park in Kigali, Rwanda

Action by cities is central to global environmental goals

As 2025 gets underway, efforts by cities to reduce congestion, address air pollution, improve housing access, and lower flooding risks are getting more attention than ever. These initiatives matter to more than 4 billion people who live in urban centers worldwide, and also have enormous…
Park in Lujiazui financial center, Shanghai, China

Building with nature for a better climate

Nature finally got its rightful place within climate negotiations at COP26 in November. It was the first time – despite the well-established links between the climate and biodiversity crises – that we saw so much emphasis at an international summit on the positive role that nature can play in…
Dense cityscape of Hong Kong highrise buildings

How COVID-19 can steer city leadership on sustainability

Cities are at the heart of the pandemic impact and response, and city leaders managing through the COVID-19 crisis have demonstrated commitment to integration, innovation, and partnership. GEF Cities Lead Aloke Barnwal makes the case that this approach will be critical to the future sustainability…

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