Santiago, Chile - April 17th, 2013. The Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) for Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay began today in Santiago, Chile. The event is attended by over 70 delegates as well as GEF Staff, GEF Agencies and civil society organizations.
The meeting, held annually in one of the constituent countries on a rotating basis, is intended to provide updates on GEF developments and help familiarize the participants with the procedures and resources available to assist them in developing and supporting initiatives for GEF funding for environmental projects and programs in the climate change, biodiversity, forest management and land degradation, chemicals, and international waters focal areas. The agenda provides hands-on practical exercises on national capacity self-assessements (NCSAs), results-based management (RBM), monitoring and evaluation, and synergies in project-design presented by Convention Secretariats (CBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD). The agenda also focuses on the new GEF Fee Policy, Project Cycle harmonization, and provides important updates about the preparations for GEF-6 as well as the replenishment process.
Part of the meeting is also dedicated to engaging the countries in the Overall Performance of GEF-5 (OPS5) exercise led by the GEF Evaluation Office.
On Tuesday, April 16th 13 representatives from civil society organizations in the region met to discuss issues pertaining to public participation in projects and how to better engage and participate in GEF operations.