Towards Sustainable Phosphorus Cycles in Lake Catchments (uP-Cycle)

CEO ApprovalCEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentGEFSEC ReviewPIF
To support lake ecosystems recovery through phosphorus emissions reductions from land to water to improve the protection and restoration of freshwater and coastal ecosystems, bringing together the global lake management and sustainable phosphorus management communities including developing and testing a sustainable phosphorus management framework in Chile to inform international application.

Preparation of Ghana's Fourth Biennial Update Report and Fifth National Communication under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO Approval
To support Ghana to Prepare and submit its Fourth Biennial Update Report (BUR4) and Fifth National Communication (NC5) that comply with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting requirements and responds to national development goals.

Elaboration of 3BUR and 4NC for submission to UNFCCC

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO Approval
To support Peru in enhancing national capacities and combined resources to improve policies and strategy developments in order to meet the international commitments of the Paris Agreement and UNFCCC regulations, and in reporting such advances and achievements through the preparation and submission of its Third Biennial Update Report (3BUR) and Fourth National Communication (4NC).

Sustainable Energy Efficiency in Municipal Services (SEEMS)

The project aims to scale up the use of energy-efficient technologies in municipal facilities and services in Ukraine, thereby contributing to a reduction of energy consumption (energy savings) that will reduce GHG emissions and improve air quality in cities. The World Bank and GEF funds will be channeled and managed through Ukrexim Bank to municipalities, to finance eligible capital investments and technical assistance activities which will enable a better-managed energy consumption, energy savings, and a reduction of the municipal energy bill.

Knowledge-4-Nature: Provisioning the biodiversity data behind global goals for nature

CEO ApprovalCEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentGEFID10897_PIR 2024_K4N_finalGEFSEC ReviewPIF
To strengthen delivery of the global biodiversity species data through the IUCN Red List in the most comprehensive, sustainable, convenient and interoperable way for the many existing and planned platforms and users