
Good Practice Brief: Enhancing Engagement of Private Sector and Local Communities on Peatland Management
Indonesia has approximately 25 million hectares of peatlands, which provide unique ecosystem services and a source of livelihood to rural populations. Peatlands in Indonesia store an estimated 46 gigatons of carbon equivalent to approximately 8-14 percent of all global soil carbon. Despite the…
Good Practice Brief: Strengthening Climate Resilience through People-centered Approaches
The resilience of people to climate change was enhanced by the project by building the capacity of communities and women through two innovative, people-centered approaches - Farmer Field Schools (FFS) and Dimitra Clubs - and by strengthening agro-climate information communications and setting up a…
Good Practice Brief: Participatory Conservation and Peacebuilding in Dry Forest as Production Landscape
The dry forest ecosystem is a high conservation priority in Colombia. This project seeks to promote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in dry forests to ensure the flow of ecosystem services and to mitigate deforestation and desertification in the Caribbean region and the Inter-…
Good Practice Brief: Finding Solutions for Electronic Waste with the Private Sector and Multi-Stakeholders Engagement
The project connects and operationalizes pre-existing elements of a multi-stakeholder Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system in Nigeria, which is an innovative policy and financial instrument that requires manufacturers, importers, and retailers of electronic products to be physically and…
Good Practice Brief: Renewable Energy Technology for Smallholder Farmers
The Scaling-up of Renewable Energy Technologies (S-RET) project targeted 8,000 smallholder farmers in five Cambodian provinces comprising 980 villages, particularly women and poor households in remote areas, who lack access to modern, affordable, and reliable energy sources. Building on strong…

Good Practice Brief: Building Capacity Towards Reducing GHG Emissions from Global Shipping
The GEF, IMO, and UNDP launched the project "Transforming the Global Maritime Transport Industry towards a Low Carbon Future through Improved Energy Efficiency (GloMEEP)" to support 10 Lead Pilot Countries (LPCs) - Argentina, China, Georgia, India, Jamaica, Malaysia, Morocco, Panama, Philippines,…