Enhancing Climate Resilience: Experiences from the SGP's Community-Based Adaptation Programme

This publication showcases examples from the SGP’s CBA Programme and highlights the essential role of civil society organizations and local communities in building resilience and adapting to a changing climate at the local level. These case studies feature action from the ground up, from Jamaica to Kiribati, which have demonstrated the importance of investing in indigenous peoples, young people, women, persons with disabilities, and other marginalized groups affected by climate change.

UNFCCC Guidance from the COPs and Responses by the GEF: COP1 - COP25

The GEF continually incorporates guidance from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties into its programs and operations, as described annually in its report to the COP. This booklet summarizes all guidance to the GEF dating from the first COP to COP25 and the corresponding GEF responses. This publication provides full documentation of the evolution of GEF activities and policies as informed by guidance from the COP.

'There are many on-ramps to have an impact in environmental conservation'

Aileen Lee is the Chief Program Officer leading the Environmental Conservation Program at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, a private philanthropic funder which has invested more than $2 billion in the conservation of globally important intact natural ecosystems, in addition to support for scientific research, patient care improvements, and other areas.

Supporting accountability and learning with an open mind

Geeta Batra is the Chief Evaluator and Deputy Director of the GEF Independent Evaluation Office, which assesses the progress and impact of Global Environment Facility interventions. In an interview, she shared life lessons from her work evaluating innovative environmental initiatives and reflected on the importance of mentorship and keeping an open mind to new information and perspectives.

What is the IEO and how does its work to support international environmental action?