"The Global Environment Facility: Delivering solutions for a sustainable future," is the September 2017 issue of UN Environment's "Our Planet" magazine. The magazine was launched at the GEF-7 2nd replenishment meeting that took place in October 2017, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- Reflections by Erik Solheim, Achim Steiner, and Kristalina Georgieva
- Defining moment by Naoko Ishii
- Global challenges by Doris Leuthard
- Global action is needed by Hailemariam Dessalegn
- Time to act by Tshering Tobgay
- Greening cities by Anne Hidalgo
- Maximizing value by Jeff Fortenberry and Sheldon Whitehouse
- Stretching for growth by Mark Malloch Brown
- Managing the global commons by Johan Rockstrom
- Elements of change by Rosina M. Bierbaum
- Being accountable by Juha Uitto
- Grandma's secret by GEF Small Grants Programme
- Oyster Openings by GEF Small Grants Programme
- Bridging the gaps by Peter Bakker
- Partnering with peoples by Lucy Mulenkei
- Only Connect by Kathy Calvin
- Hope from the hills by Edward Norton
- Rescuing rainforests by Rosa Lemos de Sá