Number | Title | Document Summary | Documents |
GEF/R.7/Summary | Summary of the Co-chairs - First Meeting for the Seventh Replenishment of Resources of the GEF Trust Fund | Document
Number | Title | Document Summary | Documents |
GEF/R.7/02 | GEF-7 Programming Directions and Policy Agenda | Document
GEF/R.7/03 | Reference Exchange Rates for Use in the Seventh GEF Replenishment | Document
GEF/R.7/04/Rev.01 | Overview of Financial Structure | Document
GEF/R.7/05 | Time Period for Setting the Reference Exchange Rates for Use in the GEF-7 Replenishment - Supplemental Analysis | Document
Number | Title | Document Summary | Documents |
GEF/R.07/Inf.01/Rev.01 | Provisional Agenda | Document
GEF/R.7/Inf.02/Rev.01 | Note on Logistics | Document
GEF/R.7/Inf.03 | Financial Status of the GEF Trust Fund | Document
GEF/R.7/Inf.04 | The Impact of a change in SDR basket composition on the GEF-7 Replenishment | Document
Number | Title | Document Summary | Documents |
OPS6 Evaluation Briefs | Document
Number | Title | Document Summary | Documents |
Johan Rockström: Our Future on Earth | Document
Gustavo Fonseca: GEF-7: Delivering higher impact | Document
GEF-7 Replenishment: Overview of Financial Structure | Document
GEF-7 Policy Agenda | Document
GEF-7 Replenishment: Reference Exchange Rate | Document
GEF IEO: Enhancing global environmental benefits through excellence in evaluation | Document
Martin Stuchktey: A Good Disruption - Redefining growth in the 21st century | Document
Naoko Ishii: GEF-7: Ambitions & Opportunities | Document