Cover image for publication "Support for Innovation, Technology Transfer, and Private Sector Engagement"

Support for Innovation, Technology Transfer, and Private Sector Engagement from the LDCF and the SCCF

In June 2022, the LDCF/SCCF Council developed a new climate change adaptation strategy for the 2022-26 period for the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF). This strategy outlines enhanced innovation, technology transfer, and private sector engagement as a…
Cover image for publication "Climate Change Adaptation"

Climate Change Adaptation

Climate change poses a growing threat to all human and natural systems on our planet. International efforts are intensifying to prepare for rising seas, higher temperatures, worsening droughts, frequent floods, and other impacts that can affect water resources, crop yields, and the health of people…
Cover image for publication "SCCF: Serving the Adaptation Needs of SIDS and Enhancing Technology Transfer, Private Sector Engagement, and Innovation for All"

SCCF: Serving the Adaptation Needs of SIDS and Enhancing Technology Transfer, Private Sector Engagement, and Innovation

The Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2001, is managed by the Global Environment Facility.  Extensive consultations with stakeholders guided development of a new strategy for 2022-2026. The strategy builds…
Cover image for publication "The GEF and Climate Change"

The GEF and Climate Change: Catalyzing Transformation

The Global Environment Facility is the largest and most experienced multilateral fund dedicated to addressing climate change and threats to nature around the world. The two climate change adaptation funds it manages - the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF…
Cover image for publication "South-South Cooperation for Upscaling Nature-based Solutions for Climate Adaptation"

Good Practice Brief: South-South Cooperation for Upscaling Nature-based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

This Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) project is a flagship initiative for South-South cooperation, enabling an exchange of technology transfer, capacity-building, policy support or fundraising between countries in the Global South. The project catalyzed global and regional collaboration on…
Cover image for publication "Financing Adaptation to Climate Change at the GEF"

Financing Adaptation to Climate Change at the GEF

The GEF supports adaptation to climate change in developing countries through the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), which supports urgent, medium, and long-term adaptation needs in least developed countries (LDCs), and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), accessible by all developing…
Cover image for the publication "Good Practice Brief: Renewable Energy Technology for Smallholder Farmers"

Good Practice Brief: Renewable Energy Technology for Smallholder Farmers

The Scaling-up of Renewable Energy Technologies (S-RET) project targeted 8,000 smallholder farmers in five Cambodian provinces comprising 980 villages, particularly women and poor households in remote areas, who lack access to modern, affordable, and reliable energy sources. Building on strong…

Time to Adapt: Insights from the GEF's Experience in Adaptation to Climate Change

This publication is a joint effort by the GEF partnership to showcase some of the insights gained from the now substantial portfolio of GEF-funded adaptation projects. The GEF has invested over $1.3 billion to help communities in the developing world adapt to climate change, notably through the…

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