Cover image for publication "The GEF in Africa"

The GEF in Africa

Since its inception in 1991, the Global Environment Facility has steadfastly supported African countries as they seek effective and innovative approaches to a nature-positive economy. The GEF has helped implement more than 1,800 projects in Africa, with a total investment of $6.2 billion. These…
Cover image for publication "Climate Change Mitigation"

Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change is a growing major threat to human and natural systems on our planet. The world must focus on scaling up climate mitigation action that minimizes trade-offs and maximizes synergies with other government economic and development priorities, including protecting nature and promoting an…
Cover image for publication "The GEF and Climate Change"

The GEF and Climate Change: Catalyzing Transformation

The Global Environment Facility is the largest and most experienced multilateral fund dedicated to addressing climate change and threats to nature around the world. The two climate change adaptation funds it manages - the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF…
Cover image for publication "UNFCCC Guidance from the COPs and Responses by the GEF: COP1 - COP27"

UNFCCC Guidance from the COPs and Responses by the GEF: COP1 - COP27

The GEF continually incorporates guidance from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties into its programs and operations, as described annually in its report to the COP. This booklet summarizes all guidance to the GEF dating from the first COP to…
Cover image for publication "Community-based Climate Solutions for Sustainable Development"

Community-based Climate Solutions for Sustainable Development

This publication provides an overview of initiatives under the GEF Small Grants Programme's (SGP) climate change portfolio which fall under the following thematic areas: Renewable energy access for improved livelihoods Forest conservation for carbon storage and livelihoods Civil society…
Cover image for UNDP publication "Africa Minigrids Program"

The Africa Minigrids Program

The Africa Minigrids Program (“AMP”) is a country-led technical assistance program for minigrids, active in an initial 21 African countries. AMP is expressly targeting early-stage minigrid markets, seeking to establish the enabling environment for subsequent private investment at scale. The…
Cover image for publication "Good Practice Brief: Enhancing Engagement of Private Sector and Local Communities on Peatland Management"

Good Practice Brief: Enhancing Engagement of Private Sector and Local Communities on Peatland Management

Indonesia has approximately 25 million hectares of peatlands, which provide unique ecosystem services and a source of livelihood to rural populations. Peatlands in Indonesia store an estimated 46 gigatons of carbon equivalent to approximately 8-14 percent of all global soil carbon. Despite the…
Cover image for publication "Global Cleantech Innovation Programme"

Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 2022 Brochure

Understanding the potential of innovation and entrepreneurship, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) established the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) to promote cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship to address urgent environmental challenges. The Global…
Cover image for publication "The Africa Minigrids Program"

The Africa Minigrids Program

The Africa Minigrids Program (AMP) is a country-led technical assistance program for minigrids, active in an initial 18 African countries. AMP is expressly targeting early-stage minigrid markets, seeking to establish the enabling environment for subsequent private investment at scale. With GEF…

Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program

Under the seventh GEF replenishment, GEF-7, Impact Programs (IPs) on Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR); Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); and Sustainable Cities are being developed to address the drivers of environmental degradation, and to support transformational change…

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