Child in Burkina Faso

Integrated approaches: accelerating women's contribution to food security, reducing deforestation, and sustainable cities

Today, the GEF joins the global community in celebrating International Women’s Day. It is an ideal time to reflect on GEF’s efforts to advance the role of women in environmental sectors worldwide. When the GEF adopted its Policy on Gender Mainstreaming in 2011, only a minority of projects…
Ethnic Tharu women on their way to go fishing in Bardia, Nepal. Photo: PACO COMO/Shutterstock.

Gender and biodiversity joint gains: myth or reality?

At the UN Biological diversity conference (COP13) in Cancun, Mexico, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) discussed progress and experiences in integrating gender and social inclusion dimensions into biodiversity-related projects.  Despite growing attention to these issues…
Women using a water pump in an arid landscape

Climate change and women: impacts compounded by gender inequality

It is critical to recognize that all too often women experience the impacts of climate change differently than men. Women are often affected disproportionately due to gender inequalities. They also constitute the majority of the world’s poor and are more dependent for their livelihood on natural…

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