
planetGOLD 2022/2023 Annual Progress Report
This Annual Progress Report features key activities, milestones, and figures from 23 country projects across the planetGOLD program for the July 2022 – June 2023 reporting period. In addition to narrative summaries of key activities and accomplishments among these projects, this report incorporates…

Advancing the Integrated Approach to Tackle Commodity-driven Deforestation
In 2014 the Global Environment Facility launched an ambitious effort to influence a shift in supply chains for beef, soy, and palm oil towards reduced-deforestation production, while delivering continued social and economic development to farmers and their communities. The GEF-6 program, Taking…

FOLUR Annual Report 2023: Cultivating a Community for Sustainable Landscapes
This annual progress report covers the period from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, providing an update on the Global Environment Facility-supported Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program’s progress and achievements.
The emphasis during this period included strengthening…

The GEF in Africa
Since its inception in 1991, the Global Environment Facility has steadfastly supported African countries as they seek effective and innovative approaches to a nature-positive economy. The GEF has helped implement more than 1,800 projects in Africa, with a total investment of $6.2 billion. These…

GEF-8 Corporate Scorecard - February 2024
The Corporate Scorecard is a comprehensive report on the performance of the Global Environment Facility during the eighth replenishment (GEF-8) period. In particular, the Scorecard reports on the progress made towards the achievement of the GEF-8 targets. It also looks at how the GEF is utilizing…

Sustainable Cities: for People and Planet
The rapid transformation of the world through urbanization has been a defining feature of the last century. This shift has elevated cities into economic powerhouses that foster innovation, economic development, and social interactions. However, this has come at a cost: often prioritizing immediate…

Lessons Learned from the Resilient Food Systems Program
Integrated Approach Pilot (IAP) programs were conceived as part of the Global Environment Facility 2020 Strategy to test the delivery of integrated approaches that address discrete, timebound, complex, global environmental challenges. In its sixth replenishment cycle (GEF-6), three IAPs were funded…

The GEF Small Grants Programme - Results Report 2022-2023
This is the infographic version of the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) Results Report 2022-2023. SGP provides financial and technical support to civil society and community-based organizations on innovative community-driven initiatives that address global environmental issues – such as…

The GEF and Climate Change: Catalyzing Transformation
The Global Environment Facility is the largest and most experienced multilateral fund dedicated to addressing climate change and threats to nature around the world. The two climate change adaptation funds it manages - the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF…

UNFCCC Guidance from the COPs and Responses by the GEF: COP1 - COP27
The GEF continually incorporates guidance from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties into its programs and operations, as described annually in its report to the COP. This booklet summarizes all guidance to the GEF dating from the first COP to…