The A to Z of the SPG report cover

The A to Z of the SGP: A Guide to the GEF Small Grants Programme

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, has been providing support for community-based innovation and empowerment for more than two decades. Its unique approach to Community Action, Global Impact has proven to be…
AKE cover

Art of Knowledge Exchange: A Results-Focused Planning Guide for the GEF Partnership

This guide highlights a variety of GEF case studies and examples of successful knowledge exchange in GEF projects, as well as lessons learned from implementing these initiatives for enhanced global environmental impact. It is the product of collaboration across the GEF partnership, offering a…

Analysis of International Funding to Tackle Illegal Wildlife Trade

Wildlife brings significant ecological, cultural, and economic benefits to countries and regionsaround the world. In many developing countries, it is an engine for tourism, job creation,and sustainable development. Populations of some of the most iconic wildlife species areunder threat due to the…

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